How can I include my social profile as part of my newsletter?

Letterhead offers a convenient social profile block that can be included in your newsletter, allowing your audience members to easily click on and view your social media profiles.

Social Profile Block

Letterhead allows you to add social icons to your newsletter, so that your readers can easily start to follow you, or your brand, directly from your editions.  We recommend setting this up in your templates, so that you set it up once, and forget about it!

Adding your social profile to your newsletter edition

  1. Log in to Letterhead, and click on Newsletters.
  2. Once the Newsletters screen loads, click on Templates at the top right of the screen.
  3. Once the Templates screen loads, you can edit an existing template or start with a new template.  If you choose to edit an existing template and its status is Active, please remember to deactivate it, in order to be able to make changes.
  4. Once you have opened the template you'll be working on, you will see a Profiles block on the right hand side of the composer screen.
  5. Click and drag the block over to the composer section, and once its a part of your template, click on the social profiles placeholder.
  6. By clicking on the placeholder, the block settings will slide out on the right of the screen, with all the options available to you.
  7. The first option is the list of social platforms available in Letterhead, and to select them, click the checkbox.
  8. Once selected, you'll see a URL field available, where you can enter your profile URL. If you do not include your profile URL, the social platform will not load in the block, even if selected.
  9. After you have completed your platform selection and added your social profile URLs for the selected platforms, you can re-order them by clicking on the hamburger icon on the right of the platform name.
  10. Below the list of platforms, you will be able to adjust the Design options.
    1. Display as: this allows you to choose between the social platforms' icons or the name of the platform.
    2. Alignment: This refers to the alignment of the text within the block itself.
    3. Colors: This will allow you to change the blocks background color and/or the text color.  Click on the color to update it.
    4. Fonts: This section allows you to adjust the text size using the Title size field.  You can also change from your selected default font to any of the other options available.
    5. Padding: In this section, you can add spacing to increase or decrease the spacing between this block and the blocks around it or add spacing on either side, left or right.  We recommend not adding more the 50 on the left or the right to make sure it remains mobile friendly.
  11. Once you have added your social profile block to your template and set it up, click on Continue to preview and test your template.
  12. Click Activate, so you can start to use this updated template when creating your newsletters.