1. Letterhead Help Center
  2. Audience
  3. Adding/Updating Audience Members

How can I upload subscribers using a CSV file?

This article provide steps on how to use our CSV Uploader.

  • Make sure the template has email address and Subscription status column as these fields are required for a successful upload.
  • The Subscription status should be 'Subscribed' (1), 'Unsubscribed' (2), or 'Not Subscribed' (0).
  • If your subscriber list includes multiple tags, please use "|" after each tag in that column, to separate them.
     For example, 
                  employee|subscriber|IT Department


Upload CSV

In Letterhead's left panel, select Audience.  

Click the drop down in Add contact, select Upload CSV.
Prior to uploading your CSV, please make sure you have included a column for Subscription status.

Once you click on Upload CSV, the Upload a File page will appear.
Click the plus sign (+) button, or drag & drop the file to this page.

Select the file you want to upload.  Please make sure the file extension is '.csv' or an Excel file (.xls/.xlsx).

Once you select the file, you will be redirected to this page, which will display the columns on your file.

Click Next.

The following page is Map columns, this is where you can map the fields from your template to Letterhead. If you want to see the value from your template in Letterhead, make sure to map it to one of the existing columns.  Note: You will not be able to add new columns/fields.

Below you can see an example of an unmapped field. 

In order to map it, select one of the values from the dropdown.

Once you have selected the option, you will see the value displayed.

Once mapped, clicked Next.

The Next page is the Review & finalize.  You can still edit the values on this page, and if there are any errors, they will be highlighted on this next screen.

After reviewing the template, click Import.

You will be notified via email, once the import process is complete.  You can also go to the Audience screen and your recently uploaded subscribers will be visible.