How does Letterhead address unsafe links?

To enhance deliverability for our customers and ensure the safety of their audience, Letterhead diligently works to maintain compliance with security and email delivery standards throughout the entire newsletter flow.

Why does Letterhead check content links?

When delivering an email, it undergoes filters that scan for spam, phishing campaigns, and potential threats. If any alarms are triggered, the delivery may be interrupted or redirected to a spam page. Persistent issues can lead to the sender being marked as "unreliable," affecting IP addresses, domain names, and more. Even trustworthy domains can be hijacked, falling under the control of malicious entities and their agenda.
In anticipation of preventing cybersecurity incidents and protecting our customers' email reputation, we must verify the integrity and reliability of outsourced content.

Below are the answers to our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Why does my link redirect to the [unsafe-link policy landing page]?

The link's domain may have been flagged as unsafe or unreliable in one or more Domain Name System blocklists. This designation could be due to spam, phishing, or exploit-related activities.
For further details about your link, you can check SpamHaus or Barracuda.

How can I get my link delisted?

If you own the domain...
  1. Check your domain:
    • Look up your domain on SpamHaus or another DNSBL platform for more information.
  2. Identify the Issue:
    • Determine why your domain is listed on SpamHaus by visiting their website and reviewing the specific reason for the listing.
    • Some common reasons for a domain being flagged as unsafe or unreliable include, but are not limited to
      • Sending spammy emails
      • Having an open relay
      • Being part of a botnet
      • Engaging in other activities that are seen as malicious.
  3. Address the Issue:
    • Take immediate steps to resolve the issues that caused the listing. For example, if your server is sending spam, secure it, and close any open relays.
  4. Clean Your System:
    • Ensure that your systems are free of malware, viruses, and other malicious software. Conduct thorough security scans on your servers.
  5. Request Delisting:
    • Visit the SpamHaus website and navigate to the "Blocklist Removal Center" or the specific page for the blocklist on which your domain is listed.
    • Follow the provided instructions for submitting a delisting request.
    • Provide detailed information about the actions you've taken to resolve the issues.
  6. Monitor and Follow Up:
    • After submitting your delisting request, monitor the situation. SpamHaus will review your request, and processing may take some time.
    • If your request is denied, carefully review the response from SpamHaus and address any additional concerns they raise.
2.2 If it's not your domain.
If you do not own the domain, unfortunately, you have limited options in implementing security measures. However, we highly recommend changing the links in your newsletter to ensure safety. Using unsafe links in your content can lead to redirection to spam or even result in the delivery being blocked. Moreover, it can unknowingly deliver malicious content, which could potentially result in legal consequences.

3. How do I submit an appeal to Letterhead?

After receiving a positive response to your delisting request from SpamHaus, contact us at [] with the subject "Unsafe-link Appeal.", and in the email content, mention the domain name and the link itself.
We will conduct a check on our end as well, and if everything looks good, your links will be resolved.
Keep in mind that this does not prevent your domain from getting blacklisted again, so make sure to keep your domain safe!