How can I use HTML in Letterhead?

This article will walk you through the process of using our HTML block, including the HTML elements and attributes that are supported.

To jump to the list of supported elements and attributes, click here.

HTML Block

  • Allows users to easily drag and drop a block for the seamless insertion of custom HTML directly into the newsletter content.
  • Advanced validation ensures HTML compatibility with various email clients, preventing layout disruptions by automatically identifying and restricting certain tags, like script or HTML5 media object tags.
  • While allowing custom HTML, the block maintains newsletter integrity by blocking problematic HTML inputs.
  1. Navigate to the Letterhead section and click on Newsletters in the left panel.
  2. To start creating a newsletter, you have two options: select the Blank template or choose a template from the dashboard.

  3. To add the HTML block, simply select it from the right panel and drag it onto the desired location on the newsletter.
  4. The HTML block will be displayed as a placeholder in your newsletter.
  5. The HTML editor will be displayed on the right side of the page.
  6. Any changes made to the HTML block will be automatically saved.

Letterhead Supported Merge Tags

- A unique identifier for the newsletter, after published - this will be empty before publication
- A unique identifier for the individual subscriber - this will be empty before publication
- The email address of a given subscriber
- The first name of the user, if set their profile. Otherwise it is empty.
- The last name of the user, if set in their profile. Otherwise it is empty.

In the future, Letterhead will also support our audience profile fields.

HTML Tag Elements supported by Letterhead

As part of the HTML block, Letterhead will support the following tags:


Accepted Attribute






`id` , `class` , and `style`


`id` , `class` , and `style`


`id` , `class` , `title` and `style`




`id` , `class` and `style`

<font> converts to <span>

`class` , `id` , `color` , `size` , `face` and `style`


`href` , `title` , `target` , and `style`

<em> or <i>


<strong> or <b>



`id` , `class` , and `style`

<img /> PAVED

`class` , `id` , `src` , `alt` , `title` , `style` , `width` and `height`

<table> PAVED

`class` , `id` , `src` , `alt` , `title` , `style` , `width` and `height`

<tr> PAVED

`class` , `id` , `align` , `valignandstyle``


`class` , `id` , `colspan` , `rowspan` , `style` , `width` and `height`

<td> PAVED

`class` , `id` , `colspan` , `rowspan` , `valign` , `style` , `width` and `height`


`id` , `class` , and `style`


`id` , `class` , and `style`


`id` , `class` , and `style`


`id` , `class` , and `style`










`id` , `class` , and `style`


`id` , `class` , and `style`


`id` , `class` , and `style`



<link />

`href` , `rel` , `type` and `media`

<u> converts to <span>


<s> converts to <span>