When to use Curations, URL, and RSS feeds

This article explain how Curations, URL and RSS feeds works in Newsletters

If you want to import a single article, you can you use URL Block or Curations, but if you prefer to have more formatting options, we recommend the URL block, as it allows you to change the color background and padding.

If you prefer to manually add articles from a list, you can use Curations and/or RSS Feed options.  The RSS Feed will pull the entire feed, and you can select up to 10 articles to display.  Curations, once the the feed is added as a source, you have to select ':heart:' on each article from the feed that you would like to use and choose which one you want to add in the newsletter from the Composer.

Content curation is a valuable strategy for busy content creators. Our Curation options allow you to efficiently provide extra value to your readers by finding content your audience cares about. It is much more than re-sharing other peoples content. It's a way to provide extra value to your readers along side your own expertise.


This allows you to add a single article at a time from those articles you ':heart:' selected from the feed url, entered in Curations page.

When selected, the article from the feed will show up in the composer screen so you can choose it from the list and add it to the newsletter. Check How to use Curations? (Composer 2.0) for more information on how to use the Curations feature.

RSS feed

The RSS Block is a useful feature for creators using the platform.  Creators can save time and effort by pulling in the entire feed and selecting up to 10 articles to display using the RSS Block rather than manually selecting content. Working with RSS feeds also allows users to publish RSS newsletters automatically based on criteria like frequency and volume of fresh content added to a given feed. Publishers can easily and effectively manage the content and distribution of their newsletters with the help of the RSS Block.

This pulls in the entire feed, no option to select, but you can limit how many articles you want to show, or where you want it to start from. For more information, please check How to use RSS Feed block? (Composer 2.0)

URL Block

The URL Block in the newsletter builder offers a strong and adaptable solution for creators who want to manually curate content for their newsletters. It enables the one-time insertion of a URL link from a webpage, article, or other web source that contains open graph data. Letterhead makes it simple to quickly add content without having to manually upload photos, rewrite headlines, or copy/paste content. The URL Block gives creators more control and customization over how the content in the newsletter looks and feels thanks to a variety of formatting options. It is a great tool for anyone looking to give their newsletters a unique touch.

This option allows you to manually add/enter an article, one at a time, using the URL block. By adding the URL in source filed, it will load the article in your newsletter. It has options for formatting AND our new (beta) Google Chrome extension makes it easier to save articles to go into your curation feed. You can also check the article How to add URL placeholder? (Composer 2.0)

Please ensure that the following IPs are whitelisted and our crawler's domain is safe-listed:

Whitelist IPs: | |

Safelist Domain: *.tryletterhead.com | letterhead.email | letterhead.ai

By whitelisting the above IPs and safe-listing the mentioned domains, you enable our crawlers to efficiently access and retrieve content from our RSS feeds.

In addition to this, the Letterhead crawler is labeled "LetterheadCurationBot", and its User-agent is below:

  1. Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; LetterheadCurationBot/1.0; +http://tryletterhead.com/bots)