How can I curate articles in Letterhead?

This article will guide you through adding sources and articles through our curations screen.

Adding Stories and articles through the Curations screen

  1. Click the Newsletters tab on the left panel screen.
  2. On the upper right of the page, select Curations.
  3. Click the Add Article button

  4. Enter the information in Add a new article flyout.
    • Title 
    • Site name (Optional)
    • Original URL (Optional)
    • Content
    • Tag
  5. Click Submit.
  6. Make sure to click on the Curated (heart) button to see the article when you create a newsletter

How to add an RSS feed in Sources

This will pull up all the articles from the Feed, and you can select from all the pieces which one you want to include in your newsletter.

An RSS feed takes the headlines, summaries, and update notices, and then links back to articles on your favorite website’s page. RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication, and it refers to files easily read by a computer called XML files that automatically update information. This content is distributed in real time, so that the top results on the RSS feed are always the latest published content for a website.

  1. On the Curations page, click Sources.
  2. Hit on Add content
  3. Add all the information to create curation using the feed URL
    • Crawl feed-Crawling the feed means we will crawl the URL in each <item> node in your feed, instead of pulling directly from your RSS feed.  We recommend not crawling the feed to get the best use out of our RSS block.
  4. Click Add feed
    • If the feed has already been added, there will be a warning to let you know that it already exists.


Check the validity of the RSS Feed you're attempting to use using this RSS Feed ValidatorTypically if it passes this, it should work in Letterhead. If the feed fails from a source you do not control (another publisher), we can only do a little to correct their feed. If you are having problems with your RSS feed, please submit a support ticket with as much detail as possible, and we'll try to guide you on how you can update your RSS feed to better sync with Letterhead. 

Please also take note that RSS Feed URL refresh every 6 hours. If the link is not showing properly, check again 6 hours after being added.

How to search for stories and articles

  1. Go to the left panel and click on Newsletters
  2. In Newsletters screen on the upper right, click Curations

In Curations page you can use the Search by keyword or Dates on the Curations page to search for articles, or Filter your list of curations. Currently, you can filter by Feeds, Sources, Tags, and Filter, which is by Curations Status (Curated, Not Curated, All).

Please note, it is possible that some curation content loads without an image in your draft.
If you are curating via the Letterhead browser extension and the site's open graph data does not include a parseable image, we will not be able to pull the image. The same applies, if you are using the URL or Curation block.
If you are using an RSS Source, pulling in the image is dependent on what the website publishes in their RSS Feed. We find that, often times, there is no image in the RSS Source.