How to Edit a Campaign in an Organization-wide Promotion?

This article will guide the user on how to change an existing campaign in the organization or brand using our new features.

1.  You have to log in to the, then once you are logged in make sure that you click on the brand/organization name. 

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2. Click on the PROMOTIONS option 

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3. On the right-upper part, click on the CAMPAIGNS

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4. If you scroll down, you will see the ALL CAMPAIGNS section. You can hover the mouse over the campaign's row you like to edit. 

You can click the campaign's row or the pencil icon on the right side to make changes. 

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5. You will be routed to the page where you can edit the Name of the Campaign

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Put the cursor on the campaign's name, and once you finish changing the name, a SAVE button will appear. 

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If you go back to the Campaigns page, you should be able to see the changes. 

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You can also change the status of your campaign by toggling the APPROVE button on the right side of the page. 

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6. When you scroll a little bit, you will see the PROMOTION section. You can choose the promotion you like to edit by clicking on the drop-down arrow. 

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The list of promotions will show, then edit them by clicking on the pencil icon. A fly-out will appear after. 

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You can click on the pencil icon to edit the details. 

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7.  In the SCHEDULE section, it is indicated how many days the promotions will run. Then you will see TWO options

    • Change occurrence - you will see a specific date as to when the promotion will run. 
    • Change every upcoming occurrence - You can select dates as to when you would like to run your promotions. 

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If you would like to update the days, click the Change every upcoming occurrence. You will notice that the number of days will change too. 

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8.  In the CONTENT section, you can update the PROMOTION FROM (Promoter Name), PROMOTION'S NAME, PICTURE, and DESCRIPTION of the promotion

Please note that the text character for the promotion description is only up to 641 characters. 

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9. Once you are done updating the details, click the UPDATE OCCURRENCE, or if you change your mind, and don't want to update, click CANCEL.

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10. If you continue to hit UPDATE OCCURRENCE, there should be a green notification on the top saying PROMOTION SAVED.

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You can close the window and go back to the CAMPAIGNS page. In the PROMOTION section, you will see the promotion you updated. 

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*Please note that this feature is not yet available to all of our customers, but it will be in the near future.  If you would like to join our Beta users, please fill out a support form in the Help Center, thank you!