Re-engaging Pending Subscribers

Learn about your options for re-engaging subscribers.

We can confirm, on request through a support ticket, whether specific pending confirmation emails reached their targeted audience and whether they were opened or not.  If we can determine that they didn't reach the user's inbox, we can resend them.  Additionally, Letterhead users can subscribe some users by changing their status in the Audience tab via the app.

As for bulk-reengagement, we are currently reviewing CANSPAM compliance, which is our chief concern, on behalf of Letterhead users.  Generally, if a user receives an opt-in successfully — e.g., it makes it into their inbox — and doesn't engage with it, that is their choice, and we want to be extra careful about re-engaging people, as it might be misconstrued as spam.

If we introduce a feature for bulk-reengagement that complies with CANSPAM regulations, we will announce it publicly.